Couple Holding Hands

Match Making (Porondam)

Find your life partner!

Marriage is the union of two individuals with distinct characteristics and ideas, merging their lives physically, mentally, and socially to form a single family. Often seen as a second birth in life’s journey, marriage has traditionally been arranged with mutual consent from both families. However, many marry for love, transcending barriers of caste, religion, wealth, and status. Rituals typically involve the groom visiting the bride, respecting the views of parents and elders. Through marriage, a new generation is introduced to society, ensuring the continuity of life. Beyond shared joy and companionship, marriage fulfills deeper purposes, including physical and mental fulfillment and the foundation of a virtuous society, as emphasized by Sri Panchayudha Jyotisha Seva.

The Twenty Porondam and their Meanings

Porondam Meaning
Nakath Porondama
Objectives of both sexes. Understanding. Attitudes. Traits. The outlook on life. Educational and personal connections.
Gana Porondama
Generosity. Kindness. Hardiness and internal dispositions of individuals.
Mahendra Porondama
Whether good or bad comes from children born in marriage and their health,. Things like being smart and living happily.
Three Deerga Porondama
Is the married life going peacefully? Are there frequent fights? After marriage, each other’s inner bond, friendliness and sincerity.
Yoni Porondama
Conflicts caused by birth habits,. Review of sexual satisfaction and other physical compatibility of the two marriage candidates.
Rashi Porondama
Checking the compatibility of the two proposed marriages, in addition to checking the external and internal qualities.
Rasi Adipathi Porondama
The relationships built by the two with the outside society, whether the way the two minds work together is good or bad.
Vashya Porondama
Deep love between each other. Innate love, attraction and whether those conditions last long.
Rajju Porondama
Physical attachment in married life. Whether the physical parts of the two match each other and how the communication between them takes place.
Vedha Porondama
The strength of the relationship between the bride and groom. Asking if it is possible to rise further to cause a half fight.
Vruksha Porondama
Measuring the strength and weakness of the dhatu energy to produce children and whether or not it is necessary to seek medical advice based on those facts.
Ayusha Porondama
The lives of the young men are considered and based on the balances resulting from the calculation, whether they will live long as lovers.
Pakshi Porondama
Information about friendship and hostility as well as sharing of psychological levels of both sexes.
Butha Porondama
Tested for a certain qualitative match of the constituents of the two bodies according to the Pancha Maha Bhutas.
Gothra Porondama
According to the birth signs and astrology of both men and women, whether their generations will meet each other is basically discussed.
Varna Porondama
This checks the compatibility of the family backgrounds of the two and a basic mathematical analysis is done based on the castes according to astrology.
Linga Porondama
This tells about sexual satisfaction and harmonious love and this is also related to the vaginal vow.
Nadi Porondama
This will check the pulse strength of the two and also consider blood compatibility, vein strength, and genetic relationships.
Dina Porondama
Matching the development and existence of the daily activities of the two based on the date of birth and the day.
Graha Porondama
Influence of Fate or Karma,. It is checked whether the two mutually benefit from each other’s overall activities.